Á¦¸ñ MultiClamp 700B Amplifier

The MultiClampTM 700B Microelectrode Amplifier is a versatile, computer-

controlled microelectrode amplifier designed for patch voltage-clamp (resistive-

feedback, four ranges) or high-speed current clamp (voltage-follower, three ranges)

recording within the same headstage. Many automated functions and effective signal

conditioning. Ideal for many applications, including high-speed current clamp (sharp-

electrode or field potentials), patch clamp (whole-cell, macro-parch, or excised patch),

voltammetry/amperometry, ion-selective measurements and bilayer recordings. Add

two more optional headstage (voltage-follower) inputs for a four-point recording

system, ideal for complex synaptic recordings. Major new features of the MultiClamp

700B Amplifier include Internal Automatic Mode switching, triggered by external

signals or the recording itself; Oscillation Suppression for better cell protection; and

Slow Current Injection to compensate for drifting potentials.

 Keyword: electrophysiology, patch clamp amplifier, auto, planer, oocyte, molecular devices

Ä«Å×°í¸® Patch Clamp System